Pietro Dona


JPE205AJ - 2024 - S2
PEIP-Polytech - TP
Culinary Physics
SPH408BC - 2024 - S4
L2 Physics - TP
Electrostatic, Magnetostatic and Induction
SPH4U10J - 2024 - S4
L2 Chemical Physics - TD
Light rays around Schwarzschild Black Holes
PNUM24 - 2024 - S4
Master 2


Linear Algebra
SPH3U07C - 2023 - S3
L2 Physics - TP
Mechanics and geometric optics
JPE13AJ - 2023 - S1
PEIP-Polytech - TP
Numerical calculation of an EPRL spin foam amplitude
Lecture at the LOOPS22 Summer School
Numerical Methods in LQG
Lecture at the LOOPS21 Online Summer School
Numerical Methods in LQG
Lectures at the 2019 Bard Summer School on Quantum Gravity