How to contact me

I want to work in Loop Quantum Gravity at the CPT and...

I am a undergraduate student

  • AMU Master Program. If you want to study physics at AMU, you can join the AMU Master Program. The courses are taught in English and cover many topics. The dossiers submission starts in the spring before the next academic year.
  • QISS fellowships The QISS consortium has a few fellowships that students can use to work with nodes of the consortium.

I am a Master student looking for a thesis

  • Erasmus program. At the CPT, we have a long tradition of welcoming Erasmus students (I was an Erasmus student too in 2010).

I am a Master student looking for a Ph.D.

  • Physics Doctoral School @ AMU. AMU offers many Ph.D. courses, and we are always happy to consider applications. This path would be, in general, complicated if you did not come from the AMU Master program.
  • Cotutelle. We are happy to discuss any request for a cotutelle.
  • TEX program. An exciting program for cross-training Ph.D. students in experimental and theoretical gravitational physics. More details are coming soon.
  • Other Groups. There are many groups around the world studying LQG. Feel free to contact them for more doctoral opportunities.

I am a Ph.D. student looking for a PostDoc

  • We do not have a regular Post-Docs hiring program. Positions strongly depend on external grants. We do not have any right now, but we foresee some possibilities for Fall 2025.