Pietro Dona

Canonical loop quantum gravity

LQG quantizes Einstein's theory on a space-like foliation a la Dirac. Quantum states represent quantum space hypersurfaces, and geometric quantities like areas, volumes, and angles become operators. The theory predicts that geometric operators have a discrete spectrum and indicates a minimal area of the Planck scale. The theory paints an image of quantum space with a granular and discrete structure. Quantum space can be represented by chunks of space with discrete volumes and discrete areas of the interfaces between them. The states with this enticing geometrical interpretation form the so-called spin network basis of the LQG Hilbert space. Part of my work in LQG focused on this picture.


Gauge Fields in Loop Quantum Gravity and their Semiclassical Limit
Feb 2017
Jakub Bilski, Francesco Cianfrani, Pietro Dona, and Antonino Marcianò
Quantum reduced loop gravity: extension to gauge vector field
Dec 2016
Jakub Bilski, Emanuele Alesci, Francesco Cianfrani, Pietro Dona, and Antonino Marcianò
Polyhedra in loop quantum gravity
Sep 2010
Eugenio Bianchi, Pietro Dona, and Simone Speziale
Introductory lectures to loop quantum gravity
Jul 2010
Pietro Dona, and Simone Speziale
Preprint: 1007.0402